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My GenAI Companion

Welcome to the My GenAI Companion quiz which is a short and fun way to learn more about your relationship with generative AI.

You will be asked four questions from our trained chatbot ‘Cora’ that relate to the four areas of the ‘Foresee Framework’ which are confidence, competence, criticality and context. Remember we’ve included how we define each of these terms on our homepage. You can also scroll down and download the quiz and try it that way.

Each question will ask you to choose a position which are broadly at opposite ends of a scale. As there are four questions this creates the potential for your GenAI Companion to be one of sixteen animals.

If you would prefer you can also access ‘My GenAI Companion’ for free on the GPT store.

Top tip! In answering each question just consider which end of the scale resonates more with you and don’t worry too much if the descriptions do not match you exactly. Oh and before we forget. Although we have trained our Chatbot ‘Cora’ she might be prone to occasionally misbehave!


Powered by GPT-4o NB: All images and descriptors for the My GenAI Companion animal buddies found in our downloadable guide have been created using DALL-E and ChatGPT4